Best Plagiarism Checker for Any Kind of Your Needs
What Plagiarism Is and How to Avoid It
Most likely you have experienced at least once in your life writing texts for studying or work and, of course, it is impossible to write everything by yourself. So, probably, you have used other works as a basis for yours. But here is a problem. There are plenty of rules of such a borrowing of information and one of them is absence of plagiarism.
What is plagiarism? It is an act of unethical use of works of others (like texts, pictures, photos, music or other pieces of intellectual property). Thus, it appears when you copy already existing works and use it as yours. Most likely you may agree that it is rude and unpleasant towards its authors that made an effort to create it. Besides, in the academic sphere it controversies academic rules and can make your academic works or even scientific degree invalid. At the same time, in business it can ruin your reputation and cause a decrease of value of your brand or services that leads to a fall in profit and brand’s recognition.
That is why plagiarism has a protection from the law’s side so that you may be forced to pay compensation to the author or have other problems with the law. Seems scary, doesn’t it? But do not be terrified, it will not cause problems if you follow several simple rules. So to use some already existing materials legally you can quote it according to quotation rules. This trick makes it visible that you use someone’s intellectual property and do not pretend that it is yours. Besides that you can also rephrase the text, for example, so it will not look like those that were a reference. It makes such a text yours even if there are some ideas that are not actually yours. It is especially important in the academic sphere where it is important to make your own conclusions from others’ ideas.
Of course, sometimes it can be difficult to rephrase something that was already written thousands of times. Here comes a free online plagiarism checker for help. Due to it you can check your text for possible plagiarism and rewrite it till the point there will be no plagiarism at all.
Who Can Use Our Plagiarism Checker?
With the duplicate detector the whole process of writing becomes much easier and it is actual for plenty of spheres due to its universality and comfort in using.
We have already mentioned some spheres where our plagiarism checker free can come in handy but let’s take a more precise look on its usefulness for concrete needs and groups of people.
This group of people often face a need to check a lot of students' works like essays or course works. And they often may be really large so it may be difficult sometimes to check them properly. So to avoid dizziness when working with large volumes of texts of different quality teachers can use the plagiarism checker online to check fastly and precisely if there are some facts of plagiarism present at the work. It may be the first step in the whole checking process as it can exclude all the following steps (because if there is some plagiarism there is no necessity to keep checking such work). So it can make teacher’s work much easier and save their valuable time.
The other group that can benefit from our duplicate scanner is essays and other evaluation works’ productors. To avoid sanctions from the teachers’ side, save the reputation and nerves it would be better to use a free plagiarism checker for students. Undoubtedly it is much better to rewrite the text before it will see the teacher than be forced by the teacher to do it and, most likely, get a worse mark because of it. So a free plagiarism scanner is a must have for students that value their time and reputation and want to produce really valuable works.
One more group that can use our plagiarism checker is writers. As this group is strictly connected with creating texts and its deploading it is important for them to provide a highly quantitative and valuable material. And it is even more important when working in the copywriting sphere as it means rewriting already existing texts or writing on themes that are already used thousands of times in different articles. That is why to keep the value of the work done writers can use an originality scanner that will emphasize possibly copyrighted parts and hence help to make text more accurate.
In the field of journalism a problem of plagiarism is also an actual and painful one. To present the news or elucidate an important theme journalists often come to the writing texts as it is still a comfortable way to present and perceive the information. But when there emerges something that resonates, all resources are willing to write about it so it becomes difficult not to repeat someone’s article when writing about the same. For that reason journalists are compelled to check their texts precisely for plagiarism to keep their article ranking on top and to avoid possible problems with literary property.
English Learners
If English is not your first language to learn, it effectively may be cool to write texts to train the language use and grammatics. But it is so difficult sometimes to produce some information in a language you are not perfect at. That is why copywriting may be seductive for you. No judgment from our side, but according to all points mentioned before it seems that it will be better to rewrite it:) And our plagiarism detector online will help you with it. Moreover, it can be useful even if you have written all text by yourself, because besides the plagiarism checking, it will also highlight some grammar, spelling or punctual mistakes that will make your text look perfect!
Plagiarism Detector vs Manual Checking
Nowadays digitalization is penetrating into all spheres of our life and writing is not an exception for it. That is why there are appearing plenty of various tools that help us create and check the texts. And machine tools really have a lot of advantages over manual ones. And below some of them are presented to prove that it is really justified to use such machine-based tools instead of manual ones in your work and writing texts in particular.
Plagiarism Detector
- It is fast so it saves a lot of your time
- Real-time suggestions
- You can change the mistakes at once
- It suggests several checking points at one tool (like plagiarism, grammar, punctuation)
- It finds the plagiarism resources
- It has a vast pool for checking (uses all existing materials and check them)
- It is free and available online on any your gadget
- Sometimes it highlights as a mistakes words that are not familiar for it
- It is limited by the rules, words and structures it has been learned to work with
Manual Checking
- Human understands better some points that are not clear for machines
- Human can know more unusual and difficult structures
- Human as a main carrier of the language can work with it better than machine
- Takes a lot of time and forces
- Cannot guarantee an excellent result (mainly because of the human factor)
- It is unreal to cover all existing resources manually
- It may be expensive to hire such a specialist
How Our Online Plagiarism Detector Works
If now you want to use a plagiarism detector free for your work we can suggest you our best free plagiarism checker. Why do we insist that it is the best one? The answer is in the way it works. And the main point is that it is as easy as falling off a log!
So, to work with our plagiarism checker you should perform several common steps:
- Copy your text and paste it into the blank editor at the beginning of this page
- After that you should press the “Check” button and wait for some time till our plagiarism checker will scan all your text and detect possible part with plagiarism
- A little after that the program will give you feedback according to its analysis with highlighter parts with plagiarism and mistakes. And in the separate zone it will list all resources you have possibly used for this text
- Now you can make some changes in the text and check it again following all these steps once more till the text will not be its perfect version!

Benefits of Using Plagiarism Scanner
There are a lot of plagiarism checkers at the market but the issue is that not all of them are accurate enough or free. To make sure that our scanner is the best plagiarism checker take a look into the benefits it can suggest to you.

Saves Your Time
As we have already mentioned, manual checking is a hard and time-consuming process while machine checking is fast and needs no forces from your side. So it will save you a lot of time especially if you work with texts in large volumes. And our plagiarism scanner free wins not only against manual checking, but also among the other similar tools as some of them still take a lot of time to scan all your text. Our tool uses modern technologies so it will not be the problem.

As it has been already mentioned previously, it is universal, which means that it can be used for plenty of fields helping people with different jobs and for different purposes. And all that is possible due to the modern technologies it uses like artificial intelligence that make it competent in a large range of themes, and we can even say that in all existing fields and themes. So it does not matter who you are, you will benefit from using our plagiarism detector for sure!

Unlike a lot of other plagiarism checkers that require you to check in or pay to use them, ours is totally free so that you can benefit from using it even if you have not enough money for it. It is especially comfortable at that point that you can rewrite and check your text again and again till it will nor be in its perfect condition. So you have no limits on how many times you can do this or how many words you can upload that influence the quality of your work for the better.

Has High Availability
You can use our free plagiarism detector online that is super comfortable at that point that you should not download anything on your gadget. At the same time, it is also available offline because it is set in the cloud, so that you can work even when there is no stable Internet connection (for example, during traveling, on the road, etc.) So our plagiarism checker is available for you 24/7 no matter where you are.

Provides High Accuracy
As our tool uses the most recent technologies, it is easy for it to stay in all modern trends and changes. So that it knows various modern words and definitions, keeps its knowledge of English at the high level and works easily with thousands of existing resources. All that is real due to artificial intelligence and neural network-based language that help our detector to learn how modern English changes. With the use of these tools it can easily not only detect plagiarism, but also check the grammatics, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure.

Unfortunately, nowadays the problem of data breaching is a real issue that can influence everyone. That is why we need to be attentive everywhere and every time. But using our detector you should not worry about it, because it does not save any information so that you can be sure that it will not be stolen and sold to third parties. With us you can be calm that your data is totally secure and safe because we value our clients and their rights.